Legislative & Governance Committee
Is responsible for identifying and supporting legislative and regulatory issues that serve the interest of Chamber members and the business community. In addition to reviewing all chamber contracts, 501(c)(6) (IRS not-for-profit) mandates, employee contract oversight and evaluations. The committee is also responsible for By-law review and recommending changes to the board. The Committee also reviews specific business development issues and/or challenges that are brought to their attention by member businesses. The Chamber’s relationship with the municipalities is one of mutual respect, with the understanding that the Chamber will always advocate for the business community.
Membership Committee
Is responsible for the promotion of new and ongoing membership in the Chamber. The Committee works with staff to develop strategies to increase members; promotes membership with door-to-door visits to businesses and potential members; checks in with members on renewals and looks for ways to increase member retention and the benefits of membership.
Event Programming and Fundraising
Helps to plan, coordinate and implement all programs and events during the year, taking a lead role in selecting topics and speakers, and recruiting individuals for presentations on appropriate and current business issues. With responsibilities ranging from development of new events, analyzing their effectiveness, fostering educational and scholastic programming such as the Annual Scholarship Awards, Holiday Party, etc. The committee works with the Chamber Board of Directors to design, market and implement these initiatives.
Young Professionals/Technology Committee
Empowers young professionals and emerging leaders by providing professional development, community awareness and educational resources. The committee serves to provide a forum for innovative and dedicated professionals to share their ideas about technology and is responsible for the development and management of the Chamber of Commerce’s social media and web presence.